And which are the metals that you see as having the most demand in 2025? Past performance is not indicative of future results. For general inquiries regarding JPMorgan Chase & Co. or other lines of business, please call +1 212 270 6000. /** Four months of QT reversed in a week March 17, 2023. (l=C.zOrigin,D=D.split(" "),C.zOrigin=(D.length>2&&(0===l||"0px"!==D[2])?parseFloat(D[2]):l)||0,f.xs0=f.e=D[0]+" "+(D[1]||"50%")+" 0px",f=new sa(C,"zOrigin",0,0,f,-1,f.n),f.b=l,f.xs0=f.e=C.zOrigin):f.xs0=f.e=D):ga(D+"",C)),n&&(d._transformType=C.svg&&za||!m&&3!==this._transformType?2:3),j&&(i[c]=j),f},prefix:!0}),xa("boxShadow",{defaultValue:"0px 0px 0px 0px #999",prefix:!0,color:!0,multi:!0,keyword:"inset"}),xa("borderRadius",{defaultValue:"0px",parser:function(a,b,c,f,g,h){b=this.format(b);var i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y=["borderTopLeftRadius","borderTopRightRadius","borderBottomRightRadius","borderBottomLeftRadius"],;for(q=parseFloat(a.offsetWidth),r=parseFloat(a.offsetHeight),i=b.split(" "),j=0;jp?1:0))||""):(p=parseFloat(n),s=n.substr((p+"").length)),""===s&&(s=d[c]||t),s!==t&&(v=_(a,"borderLeft",o,t),w=_(a,"borderTop",o,t),"%"===s?(m=v/q*100+"%",l=w/r*100+"%"):"em"===s? (i*=-1,l+=0>=k?180:-180,k+=0>=k?180:-180):(j*=-1,l+=0>=l?180:-180)),m.scaleX=i,m.scaleY=j,m.rotation=k,m.skewX=l,Ea&&(m.rotationX=m.rotationY=m.z=0,m.perspective=r,m.scaleZ=1),m.svg&&(m.x-=m.xOrigin-(m.xOrigin*P+m.yOrigin*R),m.y-=m.yOrigin-(m.xOrigin*Q+m.yOrigin*S))}m.zOrigin=q;for(h in m)m[h]-o&&(m[h]=0)}return d&&(a._gsTransform=m,m.svg&&(za&&[Ba]?b.delayedCall(.001,function(){Ta(,Ba)}):!za&&a.getAttribute("transform")&&b.delayedCall(.001,function(){a.removeAttribute("transform")}))),m},Qa=function(a){var b,c,,e=-d.rotation*K,f=e+d.skewX*K,g=1e5,h=(Math.cos(e)*d.scaleX*g|0)/g,i=(Math.sin(e)*d.scaleX*g|0)/g,j=(Math.sin(f)*-d.scaleY*g|0)/g,k=(Math.cos(f)*d.scaleY*g|0)/g,,m=this.t.currentStyle;if(m){c=i,i=-j,j=-c,b=m.filter,l.filter="";var n,o,q=this.t.offsetWidth,r=this.t.offsetHeight,s="absolute"!==m.position,t="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11="+h+", M12="+i+", M21="+j+", M22="+k,u=d.x+q*d.xPercent/100,v=d.y+r*d.yPercent/100;if(null!=d.ox&&(n=(d.oxp?q*d.ox*.01:d.ox)-q/2,o=(d.oyp?r*d.oy*.01:d.oy)-r/2,u+=n-(n*h+o*i),v+=o-(n*j+o*k)),s? updateTweenProgress(); animation.GSAP# For Other APAC Countries,Institutional Investors only (or professional/sophisticated /qualified investors, as such term may apply in local jurisdictions). inset":"")}:function(a){var b,f,m;if("number"==typeof a)a+=l;else if(d&&I.test(a)){for(f=a.replace(I,"|").split("|"),m=0;mm--)for(;++mi;i++)h[a[i]]=j[i]=j[i]||j[(i-1)/2>>0];return e.parse(b,h,f,g)}},ra=(R._setPluginRatio=function(a){this.plugin.setRatio(a);for(var b,c,d,e,f,,h=g.proxy,i=g.firstMPT,j=1e-6;i;)b=h[i.v],i.r?b=Math.round(b):j>b&&b>-j&&(b=0),i.t[i.p]=b,i=i._next;if(g.autoRotate&&(g.autoRotate.rotation=g.mod?g.mod(h.rotation,this.t):h.rotation),1===a||0===a)for(i=g.firstMPT,f=1===a? /** * * scene.setTween(tween); "":"none"})},v=function(){var n=d.trigger(r.colorTrigger),a={};a[t?"right":"bottom"]=0,a[t?"border-top-width":"border-left-width"]=1,o.css(n.firstChild,a),o.css(n.firstChild.firstChild,{padding:t? Note: The chart shows real U.S. personal consumer expenditure on goods as a share of total real U.S. personal consumer expenditure. If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the information provided, please consult your financial or other professional adviser. We see core inflation lingering close to 3% in 2024 despite our recession outlook this year. Your name, email address and other personal details will be processed in accordance with BlackRocks Privacy Policy for your specific country which you may read by accessing our website at At the same time, I think what is interesting to point out is that while we still see a relatively lower electrification rate coming out of China, at the same time, the better electric vehicle penetration would be very high just given the scale of production. In the DIFC this material can be distributed in and from the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) by BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited Dubai Branch which is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). 2020394, has issued this document for access by Professional Clients only and no other person should rely upon the information contained within it. By entering this site, you are agreeing that you have reviewed and agreed to the terms contained herein, including any legal or regulatory restrictions, and have consented to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data as set out in the Privacy section referred to below. In the rapidly-shifting media landscape, sports rights are the ultimate prize, and we're here today to talk about the impact they're having on the media companies and the advertisers. var newTween; [e[0],e[1],e[4],e[5],e[12],e[13]]:e},Pa=R.getTransform=function(a,c,d,e){if(a._gsTransform&&d&&!e)return a._gsTransform;var f,h,i,j,k,l,m=d?a._gsTransform||new Fa:new Fa,n=m.scaleX<0,o=2e-5,p=1e5,q=Ea?parseFloat($(a,Da,c,!1,"0 0 0").split(" ")[2])||m.zOrigin||0:0,r=parseFloat(g.defaultTransformPerspective)||0;if(m.svg=! In the U.S., the number of open job vacancies has fallen, even in advance of entering recession and any sign of rising unemployment, as the chart shows. "); All rights reserved. In the poorest of these, food accounts for 40-60% of the consumption basket, about 5-6 times its share in advanced economies. Nickel is an interesting market because it sparks a lot of interest out there. _tween.reverse(); We expect further ups and downs in economic activity over coming weeks. Sources: BlackRock Investment Institute, with data from Haver Analytics, January 2023. Kimberly: We've been working in healthcare for over 10 years. Country/Region*. "+h]=v[h+f]=e[h]=a.getRatio?a:a[h]||new a};for(g=u.prototype,g._calcEnd=!1,g.getRatio=function(a){if(this._func)return this._params[0]=a,this._func.apply(null,this._params);var b=this._type,c=this._power,d=1===b?1-a:2===b?a:.5>a?2*a:2*(1-a);return 1===c?d*=d:2===c?d*=d*d:3===c?d*=d*d*d:4===c&&(d*=d*d*d*d),1===b?1-d:2===b?d:.5>a?d/2:1-d/2},e=["Linear","Quad","Cubic","Quart","Quint,Strong"],f=e.length;--f>-1;)g=e[f]+",Power"+f,w(new u(null,null,1,f),g,"easeOut",!0),w(new u(null,null,2,f),g,"easeIn"+(0===f? * // this is useful, when the scene has a duration and the tween duration isn't important anyway See the chart below. * If you want to add multiple tweens, add them into a GSAP Timeline object and supply it instead (see example below). Global macro performance over the next few quarters is increasingly a one-way bet. See the chart below. Neither the CMA or any other authority or regulator located in KSA has approved this information. "0 8px":"2px 4px"}),u.appendChild(a)},m=function(){a.parentNode.removeChild(a)},h=function(){a.parentNode!==u&&f();var r={};r[t?"top":"left"]=e.triggerPosition(),r[t?"height":"width"]=e.duration(),o.css(a,r),o.css(p,{display:e.duration()>0? Blackrock Advisors (UK) Limited - Dubai Branch is a DIFC Foreign Recognised Company registered with the DIFC Registrar of Companies (DIFC Registered Number 546), with its office at Unit 06/07, Level 1, Al Fattan Currency House, DIFC, PO Box 506661, Dubai, UAE, and is regulated by the DFSA to engage in the regulated activities of Advising on Financial Products and Arranging Deals in Investments in or from the DIFC, both of which are limited to units in a collective investment fund (DFSA Reference Number F000738). * @version 2.0.5 Companies might be more reluctant to let workers go given the labor shortage and fears about being able to hire in the future and instead cut back more, and faster, on recruiting new workers. TweenObject =, duration, params); You may not get back the amount originally invested. The consumer confidence measure is the net balance of consumers reporting an improvement in confidence minus those reporting a decrease. The virus has spread extremely rapidly since restrictions were lifted weighing on mobility and economic activity. So the main conclusion from that report was-- is that considering that all those inputs into the models were completely independent, the idea behind that was that because of that, the main output from the model is unbiased for any particular sector, any particular commodity or any particular region.; * @memberof! Global macro strategies can be classified based on the macroeconomic factor that they primarily use. Analysis of and insight into the ESG transition. WebThe Global Macro Research Editorial Committee is chaired by Adrian Grey (Global CIO) and is made up of some of the most senior members of our investment teams, including Gareth Colesmith, Francesca Fornasari, Matt Merritt and Colm McDonagh. return Scene; Prior to joining the Fund, Prachi worked in Goldman Sachs as Managing Director, Global Macro Research, and India Chief Economist. * And on top of that, we've had an FDA that has looked to really partner with the industry, especially look at some of these very differentiated new products coming to market where you maybe need different endpoints or pathways than existed historically. General disclosure: This material is intended for information purposes only, and does not constitute investment advice, a recommendation or an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. Northrop Grumman (DoD SkillBridge) Pricing Analyst -Top Secret Required (Aurora, CO) Aurora, CO. $65K - $98K (Employer est.) (c=a,f=1/(c||60),g=this.time+f,void j.wake()):c},j.useRAF=function(a){return arguments.length? And we see this gradually in China. Ryan: That's great. The cookie will expire after six months, or sooner should there be a material change to this important information. And I'm here with Natasha Kaneva, Head of Metals Research and Strategy for J.P. Morgan Global Commodities Research. Alexia: Oh, absolutely. By confirming below, you also acknowledge that you: (i) have read this important information; (ii) agree your access to this website is subject to the disclaimer, risk warnings and other information set out herein; and. * var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({tweenChanges: true}); Alexia:Absolutely. Developing quantitative models to forecast European growth and inflation, with So A, it gives them higher energy density for sure, but at the same time, what was the battery makers, it's to move away from cobalt, which is a metal considered with, with a problematic supply chain. The opinions expressed are as of January 2023 and are subject to change without notice. (this._dirty&&this.totalDuration(),this.totalTime(a>this._duration?this._duration:a,b)):this._time},g.totalTime=function(a,b,c){if(i||h.wake(),!arguments.length)return this._totalTime;if(this._timeline){if(0>a&&!c&&(a+=this.totalDuration()),this._timeline.smoothChildTiming){this._dirty&&this.totalDuration();var d=this._totalDuration,e=this._timeline;if(a>d&&!c&&(a=d),this._startTime=(this._paused?this._pauseTime:e._time)-(this._reversed?d-a:a)/this._timeScale,e._dirty||this._uncache(!1),e._timeline)for(;e._timeline;)e._timeline._time!==(e._startTime+e._totalTime)/e._timeScale&&e.totalTime(e._totalTime,!0),e=e._timeline}this._gc&&this._enabled(!0,!1),(this._totalTime!==a||0===this._duration)&&(I.length&&X(),this.render(a,b,!1),I.length&&X())}return this},g.progress=g.totalProgress=function(a,b){var c=this.duration();return arguments.length?this.totalTime(c*a,b):c?this._time/c:this.ratio},g.startTime=function(a){return arguments.length? } * var tween2 ="obj2", 1, {y: 100}); * scene.tweenChanges(true); ";var b,c=a.propName,d=a.priority||0,e=a.overwriteProps,f={init:"_onInitTween",set:"setRatio",kill:"_kill",round:"_mod",mod:"_mod",initAll:"_onInitAllProps"},g=s("plugins. Bank crisis makes US recession much more likely March 16, 2023. Please read this page before proceeding as it explains certain restrictions imposed by law on the distribution of this information and the jurisdictions in which our products and services are authorised to be offered or sold. 50K (Glassdoor Est.) Monthly Insights - February. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader. Today, your out-of-pocket costs on average are north of $2,000. Both headline and core inflation look set to fall a lot in developed markets this year as energy prices fall back and goods prices decline. Global Investment Research, Global Macro Research, Analyst, London. Serving the world's largest corporate clients and institutional investors, we support the entire investment cycle with market-leading research, analytics, execution and investor services. /*! Click here to learn more on wealth management and investment services, Click here to know more about 2023 Market Outlook. BCA Researchs mission is to shape the level of conviction with which our clients make investment decisions. }; You must not redeliver any of the pages, text, images, or content of this Website using "framing" or similar technology. }); _tween.progress(progress).pause(); "top":"left";r.parentNode.hasAttribute(t);)r=r.parentNode;var c=i.get.offset(r);o.isDocument||(a[l]-=s.scrollPos()),n=c[l]-a[l]}var u=n!=v;v=n,u&&!e&&f.trigger("shift",{reason:"triggerElementPosition"})},x=function(){d.triggerHook>0&&f.trigger("shift",{reason:"containerResize"})},z=i.extend(r.validate,{duration:function(e){if(i.type.String(e)&&e.match(/^(\.|\d)*\d+%$/)){var t=parseFloat(e)/100;e=function(){return s?"size")*t:0}}if(i.type.Function(e)){o=e;try{e=parseFloat(o())}catch(t){e=-1}}if(e=parseFloat(e),!i.type.Number(e)||0>e)throw o? We may already be seeing signs of that unemployment-less recession. if (_tween && Scene.controller() && Scene.triggerElement() && Scene.loglevel() >= 2) { // controller is needed to know scroll direction. So pretty much what it means is that there will be shortages and the prices would have to respond accordingly. Really, the ability to advertise on live digital streaming is the holy grail. After that, we see domestic consumption and investment picking up substantially, particularly since consumers will be ready to spend savings built up during Covid lockdowns. Business surveys suggest contractionChange in business sentiment, 2018-2022. Delivering the latest Research, Trading and Post-Trade services to clients. BCA Researchs mission is to shape the level of conviction with which our clients make investment decisions. They'll look it up, they'll say, "Is there a clinic near me "to be able to get the services that I want?". WebThe BCA Research eAcademy focuses on teaching the analytical methods and investment strategies developed at BCA Research over the past 65 years for macroeconomics, sector The ECB has already raised rates by 250 basis points and begun selling government bonds. } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { But given the propensity of the Chinese auto makers towards smaller battery packs, this does not necessarily, result in higher materials used in those battery packs. Thanks for joining me, Alexia. * @file ScrollMagic GSAP Animation Plugin. See chart below. Gauging the U.S. recessionForecast growth contributions, 2022-2023. If you are unsure about the meaning of any information provided, please consult your financial or other professional adviser. ScrollMagic.Scene.addOption("tweenChanges", // name Natasha: So what we're seeing is a very strong tendency from the battery producers as the technology is moving very, very fast towards higher nico-- higher nickel chemistrys in the battery packs expand-- at the cost of the cobalt. The information contained on this website (this Website) (including without limitation the information, functions and documents posted herein (together, the Contents) is made available for informational purposes only. Institute, with data from Haver Analytics, January 2023 and are subject to change without notice know more 2023. For over 10 years to learn more on wealth management and investment services, click here to more. To this important information for over 10 years bank crisis makes US recession much more March! The next few quarters is increasingly a one-way bet costs on average are north of $ 2,000 chart.... In confidence minus those reporting a decrease metals Research and Strategy for J.P. 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